Educational System

You are browsing the archive webpage of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Szent István University, the predecessor of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Institute of Technology. The information on this page is no longer up to date.

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The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers Bsc, Msc, PhD courses in mechanical engineering.

Educational period of the mechanical engineering BSc course:  7 terms with 210 credits.
Educational period of the mechanical engineering MSc course: 4 terms with 120 credits.

All study programs begin annually in September or in February. Each semester lasts for five months including both teaching and individual examination periods. The language of study is English.

Students are obliged to take exams in their compulsory and elective subjects. In the last three semesters of both graduate and postgraduate programs all participants need to choose a specialization, which has to correspond to his/her field of interest.

After receiving their BSc degree students have the opportunity to apply for an MSc Study Program, while after successful completion of postgraduate studies, the participants have the possibility to apply to continue their studies to the level of PhD degree.

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