About the Faculty
You are browsing the archive webpage of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Szent István University, the predecessor of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Institute of Technology. The information on this page is no longer up to date.
For up-to-date information, please visit the new site of the Institute of Technology: muszaki.uni-mate.hu
Engineering for a Brigther FutureSince its foundation as an independent college in 1950, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Szent István University has been a respected institution of higher education, producing highly qualified engineers.
Originally the faculty focused its programs around agricultural machinery, but has since expanded the scope of its efforts to include many other relevant topics in the field such as mechatronics, food engineering, automotive technologies, environmental engineering and many more in-demand specializations.
The faculty maintains a dynamic program structure, continuously changing to meet the demands of the labor market and to meet new technological challenges. We see it as our duty to keep up with these changes and provide our students with the most up-to-date education.
All countries with developed economies struggle with a lack of engineers. A degree in engineering and natural sciences can offer students a competitive edge and long term security in the labor market. As a result of the training they will be prepared to successfully solve problems of different technological, planning, manufacturing, constructing and operating tasks.
The employability and competency of our graduates is of the utmost importance to us. We realize that their knowledge is not only representative of them, but also of us as a school. For this reason, we strive to train the best and brightest minds of tomorrow's engineering workforce.
The mission of the Faculty is to educate mechanical engineers and experts who respect and protect natural resources and cultural values, work in the spirit of sustainable growth and participate in rural development
International Education
The international scope of the field of mechanical engineering is evident in the current training and research profiles of the faculty. Our many national and international partners in industry and higher education further enrich the competitiveness of the diploma. Most of our graduates go on to become industry leaders in multinational corporations or become successful entrepreneurs by utilizing the quality education that they received at the Szent István University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
We currently host BSc, MSc and PhD students from many nations around the world, studying both full and part-time. These students can be proud to return home knowing that they received the highest quality education available with an internationally recognized degree.
We welcome students who are interested in full degree awarding programs and also students who simply want to culturally immerse themselves for a semester or two and experience Hungary. Please contact us for more information on the many possibilities we offer.